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Collaboration of P1-0285 Members in Bilateral Projects


List of bilateral projects (leaderships and/or collaborations):

  • On non-existence of extremal graphs, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and UK (2023-2025), UP IAM & The Open University.
  • Some algebraic aspects of various incidence structures, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Croatia (2023-2025), UP IAM & University of Reka.
  • Synergistic applications of recent methods of design, configuration, graph and group theory, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Croatia (2023-2025), UP FAMNIT & University of Reka.
  • Bulk-robust optimization on graphs, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Austria (2023-2024), UP FAMNIT & Universität Graz.
  • Nove meje v ekstremalni teoriji grafov / New bounds in extremal graph theory, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2022-2024), UP IAM & Mississippi State University (BI-US/22-24-003).
  • Kombinatorna struktura in algebraične lastnosti Q-polinomskih grafov, v katerih je algebra sosednosti zaprta glede na Hadamardov produkt / Combinatorial structure and algebraic properties of Q-polynomial graphs in which the neighborhood algebra is closed with respect to the Hadamard product, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2022-2024), UP IAM & University of Wisconsin (BI-US/22-24-008).
  • Kemijski grafi na steroidih / Chemical graphs on steroids, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2022-2024), UP IAM & The Maddachusetts College of Liberal Arts (BI-US/22-24-009).
  • Študije dualnosti: grafi na ploskvah in konformni hipergrafi / Duality studies: graphs on surfaces and conformal hypergraphs, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2022-2024), UP IAM & Rutgers University (BI-US/22-24-149).
  • Razdaljno-regularni grafi z natanko tremi nerazcepnimi T-moduli s krajščem 1, od katerih so vsi tanki / Distance-regular graphs with exactly three non-split T-modules with endpoint 1, all of which are thin, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2022-2024), UP IAM & Seattle University (BI-US/22-24-172).
  • Problemi ohranjevalcev v kvantni mehaniki / Preservers problems in quantum mechanics, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2022-2024), UP FAMNIT & Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (BI-US/22-24-129).
  • Nekatere strukturne lastnosti Cayleyjevih grafov / Some structural properties of Cayley graphs, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2022-2024), UP FAMNIT & Kennesaw State University (BI-US/22-24-067).
  • Razvoj računalniških algoritmov za simulacije molekulske dinamike makromolekul / Development of computer algorithms for simulations of molecular dynamics of macromolecules, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2022-2024), UP FAMNIT & National Institute of Health (BI-US/22-24-057).
  • Matroidi s tranzitivno grupo avtomorfizmov / Matroids with transitive automorphism group, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2022-2024), UP FAMNIT & University of Mississippi (BI-US/22-24-076).
  • Nekateri problemi v hipergrafih, grafih in igrah / Some problems in hypergraphs, graphs and games, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2022-2024), UP FAMNIT & Rutgers University (BI-US/22-24-093).
  • Kombinatorične igre na Ferrerovih diagramih - algoritmični pristop / Combinatorial games on Ferrer's diagrams - algorithmic approach, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2022-2024), UP FAMNIT & Rhodes College (BI-US/22-24-164).
  • Width parameters and graph coloring, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and France (2021-2023), UP FAMNIT & CNRS - LIP.
  • Analysis of bent Boolean functions in terms of new metrics, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and BiH (2021-2023), UP FAMNIT & University of Tuzla.
  • Semi-simples algebras associated to directed graphs and its applications, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and BiH (2021-2023), UP IAM & University of Zenica.
  • Computer Modeling of Biological Macromolecules, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and China (2021-2023), UP FAMNIT & Fudan University.
  • Post-quantum cryptanalysis of block ciphers, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Kingdom of Denmark (2020-2021), UP IAM & DTU Compute.
  • Codes, their preservers, and corresponding incidence structures, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Croatia (2020-2021), UP IAM & University of Reka.
  • Structural and symmetry properties of graph products, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Austria (2020-2022), UP IAM & Montanauniversitat Leoben.
  • Fair division under conflict constrains, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Austria (2020-2022), UP IAM & University of Graz.
  • Grafi, politopi in konfiguracije / Graphs, polytopes and configurations, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2019-2021), UP IAM & University of Alaska Fairbanks.
  • Problem kletk / The cage problem, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2019-2021), UP IAM & Mississippi State University.
  • Razlikovalno število grafov / Distinguishing number of graphs, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2019-2021), UP IAM & College of William & Mary.
  • Algebraične karakterizacije in kombinatorične lastnosti (ne)regularnih grafov s tankim modulom s krajiščem nič / Algebraic characterizations and combinatorial properties of (non)regular graphs with thin module of endpoint zero, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2019-2021), UP IAM & University of Delaware.
  • Gibanja z racionalnimi zlepki nizkih stopenj / Rational spline motions of a low degree, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2019-2021), UP IAM & Mississippi State University.
  • F-WORM barvanja v hereditarnih grafovskih razredih / F-WORM colorings in hereditary graph classes, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2019-2021), UP IAM & Troy University.
  • Kemijski grafi na steroidih / Chemical graphs on steroids, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2019-2021), UP IAM & The Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA).
  • Nekateri problemi na hipergrafih, grafih ter igrah / Certain problems in hypergraphs, graphs, and games, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2019-2021), UP FAMNIT & Rutgers University.
  • Razvoj računalniških algoritmov za simulacije molekulske dinamike makromolekul / Computer Algorithm Development for Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Macromolecules, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2019-2021), UP FAMNIT & National Institutes of Health.
  • Complements of edge-regular graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and BiH (2019-2020), UP IAM and University of Zenica.
  • Semiregular and quasi-semiregular automorphisms of graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and BiH (2019-2020), UP IAM and University of Tuzla.
  • Quasi distance-balanced graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Russia (2019 - 2020), UP IAM and Lomonosov Moscow State University.
  • Applications of computer algebra in algebraic combinatorics: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Russia (2019 - 2020), IMFM and N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg.
  • Extensions of a Result of Burnside: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Russia (2019 - 2020), UP IAM and Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Connectivity of distance-biregular graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Russia (2019 - 2020), UP IAM and Lomonosov Moscow State University.
  • Groups, schemes and S-rings with the CI-property: theory and algorithms: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Russia (2019 - 2020), UP IAM and Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Graphs with primitive automorphism group: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Russia (2019 - 2020), UP IAM and Federal Research Centre 'Computer Science and Control'.
  • Motion design with rational curves: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Russia (2019 - 2020), UP IAM and Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Posets, combinatorics, and characteristic classes: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Russia (2019 - 2020), UP IAM and Lomonosov Moscow State University.
  • Topics in graphs, hypergraphs, and positional games: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Russia (2019 - 2020), UP IAM and National Research University Higher School of Economics.
  • Functions on finite fields: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Germany (2019-2021), UP IAM and Otto-von-Guericke University.
  • Graph searching, graph classes, and generalizations of chordality: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Germany (2019-2021), UP IAM in BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.
  • Structural Properties of Cayley graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2018-2020), UP IAM and Kennesaw State University.
  • Plateaued functions and their applications: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2018-2020), UP IAM and Emory University.
  • Symmetry in Matroids: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2018-2020), UP IAM and The University of Mississippi.
  • Grading in tetravalent half-arc-transitive graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2018-2020), UP IAM and Northern Arizona University.
  • Group generation, number theory and posets of cosets: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2018-2020), UP IAM and Washington University in St. Louis.
  • Designs, codes, graphs and cryptography ­an interdisciplinary approach in analysis of certain discrete structures: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Croatia (2018-2019), UP IAM and Universit of Reka.
  • Computer Algorithm Development for Binding Site Prediction in Pharmaceutical Discovery: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Germany (2018-2019), UP FAMNIT and Technische Universität Dresden.
  • Cliques and Spanning Trees under Budget Constraints: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Austria (2018-2019), UP IAM and University of Graz.
  • Color Preserving Automorphisms: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2018-2019), UP IAM and Mississippi State University.
  • Hamiltonicity of vertex-transitive graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2018-2019), UP IAM and Vanderbilt University.
  • Bipartite distance-regular graphs with exactly two irreducible T-modules with endpoint 2, both thin: subspace MW: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2018-2019), UP IAM and Seattle University.
  • Studies in graph representations: dual graphs on surfaces, Cartesian dimension, and readability of graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2018-2019), UP IAM and Rutgers University.
  • Nonparametric statistics, Brownian motion and analysis: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2018-2019), UP IAM and University of Washington.
  • Graph structures and efficient algorithms for optimization problems: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Germany (2017 - 2019), UP IAM and BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.
  • Mathematical Fundations of Selected Topics in Science: From Mathematical Chemistry to Discrete Biomathematics (MathChemBio): bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Germany (2017 - 2019), UP IAM and University of Leipzig.
  • On odd automorphisms in vertex-transitive (di)graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Russia (2016 - 2018), UP IAM and Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk.
  • Quasi-coverings and Finite Group Actions on Graphs, II: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Russia (2016 - 2018), UP IAM and Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk.
  • Matrix structural relations: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Russia (2016 - 2018), UP FAMNIT and Lomonosov Moscow State University.
  • Computer Algorithm Development for Binding Site Prediction in Pharmaceutical Discovery: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Russia (2016 - 2018), UP FAMNIT and Institute of Biomedical Chemistry.
  • Domination concept in Cayley graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Republic of Turkey (2016-2018), UP IAM and Gebze Technical University.
  • Strongly extendible graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and BiH (2016-2017), UP IAM and University of East Sarajevo.
  • Half-arc-transitive graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and BiH (2016-2017), UP IAM and University of East Sarajevo.
  • Abstract polygonal complexes and their representations: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2016-2017), UP IAM and Northeastern University.
  • Some combinatorial problems: graphs, hypergraphs, and positional games: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2016-2017), UP IAM and Rutgers University.
  • Abstract polytopes, groups and cyclic configurations: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2016-2017), UP IAM and University of Alaska Fairbanks.
  • Interlacing inequalities for simplicial complexes: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2015-2016), UP IAM and Mississippi State University.
  • The Use of Dynamical Mechanical Analysis (DMA) to Characterize Thermo-Hydro-Mechanically Densified Wood: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2015-2016), UP IAM and US Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory.
  • Snap.py - a Pythonic interface to the large network analysis library SNAP: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2015-2016), UP IAM and Stanford University.
  • Cryptographic Boolean Functions and Graph Theory: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2015-2016), UP IAM and Naval Postgraduate School.
  • Bipartite distance-regular graphs: irreducible T-modules with endpoint 2: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2015-2016), UP IAM and University of Wisconsin ­ Madison.
  • Hamiltonicity of vertex-transitive graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2015-2016), UP IAM and Vanderbilt University.
  • Computer Algorithm Development for Molecular Dynamics Simulation: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2015-2016), UP IAM and NIH/NHLBI/Lab. of Computational Biology.
  • Packing and Covering Problems in Graphs and Hypergraphs - research cooperation between RS and Argentina (2015-2017), UP IAM and Universidad Nacional de Rosario.
  • Structural and Algorithmic Aspects of Graph Classes Defined by Cliques and Stable Sets - research cooperation between RS and Republic of France PROTEUS (2015-2016), UP IAM and LAMSADE - CNRS UMR 7243 - Université Paris Dauphine.
  • Algebraic Aspects of Graph Theory: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Republic of Serbia (2014-2015), UP IAM and University of Niš.
  • Theoretical properties of the Adriatic indices and the Adriatic matrices: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Republic of Croatia (2014-2015), UP IAM and University of Split.
  • New Trends in Matching Theory: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Republic of Turkey (2014-2016), UP IAM and Boğaziçi University.
  • Using probability in Graph Theory and Networks: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2014-2015), UP Famnit and University of California ‐ Davis.
  • Abstract polygonal complexes and their representations: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2014-2015), UP IAM and Northeastern University.
  • Cliques, stable sets, and graph classes: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2014-2015), UP IAM and Rutgers University, RUTCOR.
  • Quasi-coverings and Finite Group Actions on Graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Russia (2014 - 2015), UP IAM in Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk.
  • Cycles and Paths in Symmetric Graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Russia (2014 - 2015), UP IAM in Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk.
  • Schur Groups, Separable S-rings and Applications: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Russia (2014 - 2015), UP IAM in St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Symmetry properties in science based on combinatorial mathematics, bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and S. Korea (2013-2014),  UP IAM and Yeungnam University.
  • Resolving the conjecture on almost cospectrality of the components of NEPS of graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2013-2014),  UP IAM and University of Wisconsin - Madison.
  • Hamiltonicity of Vertex-transitive graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2013-2014),  UP IAM and Vanderbilt University.
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - Spain: Permutation Groups (2012).
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - Spain: Strongly Regular (Di)graphs and Quasi m-Cayley Graphs (2012).
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - Spain: Mathematical modeling of HIV vaccine design (2012).
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - Canada: Hamiltonicity of Cayley Graphs (2012).
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - New Zealand: Half-arc-transitive Graphs (2012).
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - New Zealand: Algorithmic Aspects of Covering Projections (2012).
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - Mexico: Symmetries in Graphs and Polytops (2012).
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - Australia: Semiregular Automorphisms (2012).
  • Research cooperation Slovenia – South Africa: Graph Enumeration (2012).
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - Iran: Semiregular Automorphisms (2012).
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - Switzerland: Graphing Polynomials (2012).
  • Research cooperation Slovenia – Germany: Schur Rings in Algebraic Graph Theory (2012).
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - Israel: Methods of Association Schemes in Algebraic Graph Theory (2012).
  • Graph Width Parameters and Graph Powers: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Argentina (2012-2014), UP IAM and Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
  • Strongly Regular (Di)graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2012-2013), UP IAM and Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
  • Numerical Characterizations of Graph Theoretic Properties: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2012-2013), UP IAM and Rutgers Center for Operations Research.
  • Schurian and Separable Schur Rings: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Russia (2012-2013), UP IAM and St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Mathematical Models of Evolutionary Dynamics of Infectious Diseases with Different Modes of Transmission: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Finland (2012-2013), UP IAM and Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Helsinki.
  • Algebraic Aspects of Symmetry in Topology and Combinatorics: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and S. Korea (2011-2012), UP IAM and POSTECH.
  • Geometries, graphs, groups and their links II: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Hungary (2011-2012), UP PINT and University of Pecs.
  • Algebraic Techniques for three Problems in Graph Theory: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Flemish Community and Flemish Region (2011-2012), UP PINT and Free university Brussels.
  • Algebraic, Topological and Algoritmic Methods in the Classification of Discrete Structures: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Slovakia (2011-2012), UP IAM and Katedra informatiky, FMFI, Univerzita Komenskeho (Jan Bod'a).
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - Australia: The Existence of Semiregular Elements in the Permutation Groups (2011), UP PINT and University of Western Australia, The University of Newcastle, University of Melbourne.
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - Israel: Schur Rings, Coherent Configurations and Association Schemes (2011), UP PINT and Netanya Academic College.
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - Israel: Clique-independent Sets and Graph Classes (2011), UP PINT and Ariel University Center of Samaria.
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - Canada: Hamiltonian Cycles in Cayley Graphs (2011), UP PINT and University of Lethbridge.
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - Mexico: Moore Graphs and Cages (2011), UP PINT and National University of Mexico.
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - New Zealand: Half-arc-transitive Graphs (2011), UP PINT and University of Auckland.
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - Spain: Strongly Regular (Di)graphs (2011), UP PINT and University of the Basque Country.
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - Canada: Graph Symmetry (2011), UP PINT and York University.
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - Bulgaria: Tempus Course "Algebraic Combinatorics, Computability and Complexity" (2011), UP PINT and Postgraduate School in Sofia.
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - Switzerland: Adhezijski potencial zgoščenega lesa (2011), UP PINT in Bern University of Applied Sciences.
  • S-rings and their Applications in Algebraic Graph Theory and Finite Geometry: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Russia (2010-2011),  UP PINT and St. Petersburg Department of V. A. Steklov Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - Mexico: Moore Graphs (2010), UP PINT and National University of Mexico.
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - Australia: The Existence of Semiregular Elements in the Permutation Groups (2010), UP PINT and University of Western Australia.
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - Spain: Strongly Regular Graphs (2010), UP PINT and University of the Basque Country.
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - New Zealand: Half-arc-transitive Graphs (2009-2010), UP PINT and University of Auckland.
  • Hamiltonicity of Vertex-transitive Graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2011-2012), UP PINT in Ohio State University.
  • Research cooperation Slovenia - Canada: Hamiltonian Cycles in Cayley Graphs (2010), UP PINT and University of Lethbridge.
  • Transitive Group Actions with Applications in Combinatorics: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and China (2009-2012),  UP PINT and Beijing Jiaotong University.
  • Semiregular Automorphisms in Vertex-transitive Graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2009-2012),  UP PINT and Mississipi State University.
  • Bipartite Distance-regular Graphs: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2009-2010),  UP PINT and University of Wisconsin - Madison.
  • Vertex-transitive Graphs: Hamiltonicity and Semiregularity: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and USA (2008-2010),  UP PINT and Ohio State University.
  • Selected Topic from Algebraic Combinatorics: bilateral scientific - research cooperation between RS and Serbia (2008-2009),  UP PINT and University of Niš.